A gas pipeline to India

Russia and India will be connected by a route pipeline.

The Ministry of Energy said that recently the first meeting of the Russia-India working group on the study of an opportunity of the construction of the hydrocarbons pipeline system was held.

Power of Siberia-2 might become the longest gas pipeline in the world, if it goes to India.

This is the continuation of the Altai gas pipeline which goes via the entire territory of Russia, via the border of Russia and China to Korea. If we speak about its prolongation to India, it means that via the entire China, the south-west of which is mountainous, chief analyst of the Fund of National Energy Safety, I. Yushkov, said.

Technically a very complicated project but the offer to prolong the route via China, and this is at least 1,000 km, are made by Deli repeatedly.

Speaking about its perspectives, the most difficult thing is the role China plays in it as Power of Siberia end at the Russia-China border. I doubt China will allow Russia or China construct on its territory. So China should become a participant of this project, collect either transit fee, if the property right for the Russian gas will turn on the Russia-China border, or buy it from Russia and sell to India as Chinese gas. There are many questions, chief analyst of VYGON Consulting, M. Belova, said.

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