LNG storage to be built at Akita port

There will be built an oil refinery and liquefied natural gas storage at the port of Akita. The opening of a direct line of container transport from Akita-Vladivostok will become a new stage in the development of bilateral relations. Large traffic flow goes via Primorye. Here is Trans-Siberian Railway, ice-free ports. Primorye is an important transit point of cargo from China. The creation of a direct line will allow the reducing cargo transit to China by 2 times, the press-service of the Primorsk territory reports.

According to the governor of the prefecture S.Norikhis, the port Vladivostok is an excellent outlet to the Trans-Siberian Railway. “Our prefecture is eager to develop economic cooperation with the Primorsk territory and enhance friendly relations. Next year we map out to investigate FEEU and the International University of Akita for economic development and the development of our cooperation, S.Norikhis said. We also plan to expand an exchange of students and young scientists, as they are our future.”

Let us remind, there implemented a number of projects in Vladivostok, in particular, a petrochemical complex is being built. The project will be realized in 2 stages. The first stage is polyethylene production; the second one is petrol production. The first project can be interesting as the source of raw material for car manufacture. There are 2 directions in gas sector. They are the plant on LNG production and the plant on an output of mineral fertilizers.


Translated by Iraida Idiyatova

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