Rosneft claims that Sakhalin Energy creates obstacles to entrance of the oil company to LNG market

Rosneft thinks that the actions of Sakhalin Energy, the operator of Sakhalin-2 project are aimed at the restriction of competition and creates obstacles to entrance of the oil company to LNG market, Rosneft’s representatives claimed at the session of the Arbitration Court of the Sakhalin region.

‘Creating obstacles for the access to the gas pipeline, Sakhalin Energy violates the competition law. Besides from that, the designing of the technical documentation of ‘The Far Eastern LNG plant is impossible without the technical conditions for adjustment to the gas pipeline. The information is necessary for further realization of the project’, Rosneft’s representative E. Astakhova says.

Commenting about the claim of Sakhalin Energy about a lack of capacities in the gas pipeline, she states that according to the public data in the mass-media and the official sites, the project of Sakhalin-2 LNG plant was designed initially for construction of 3 stages of the plant in Prigorodnoye. Thus, the gas pipeline was built for these capacities. As the third stage of the plant is not realized now, then the gas pipeline has larger transporting capacities.

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