E.ON Russia reduced net profit by 28% in H1

​E.ON Russia releases the data of its condensed consolidated interim financial non-audited statement under IAS for H1 2015.

The company’s revenue fell by 9% in H1 and made up 35.8 bln roubles.

EBITDA made up 10.1 bln roubles (-21% against H1 2014).

The basic net profit of E.ON Russia in H1 2015 under IAS made up 5.8 bln roubles.

EBITDA fall is connected with the reduction of the electric energy generation. It was also influenced by the growth of the repair works at the Surgut state district power plant-2 and imposing of fines for the delay in putting into operation the 3rd energy block at the Berezovsky state district power plant.

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