The Ukraine has excluded a gas price rise due to the ban of Russian gas transit

to control the gas flow via the Ukraine, Mr. Kobolev added.

In 2009 Gazprom stopped the gas transit without any reason and it means can do it once again. It is Gazprom that is to blame for the problems. We are ready for negotiations and discussions but have to state there are no improvements in this situation. If we could agree with Gazprom, the Russian gas supply to the EU would be in full volume.

The Prime Minister of the Ukraine, A. Yatsenyuk, on August 8th said he is going to stop the Russian gas transit to release the Ukraine of the gas dependence and deprive Russia of the opportunity to blackmail the new Government. He said it will be difficult to do it but possible with the help of the international financial institutes, in particular, the World Bank for the help of which the Ukraine hopes.

Germany didn’t like this idea which on August 11th required the Government of the Ukraine to turn away from such doubtful ideas. Naftogas made concessions and agreed to go on transit but only on certain conditions, in particular, companies that won’t suffer from the sanctions of Kiev against Russia will have to do with the Russian gas transit. They will have to sign new agreements on the transit with Ukrtransgas.

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