Petkim increased profit by 10 times in H1

The Turkish oil chemicals plant Petkim increased its profit by 10 times to 55 mln Turkish lira in H1 2014 against H1 2013, SOCAR reports.

SOCAR Turkey Enerji (Turkish affiliate of SOCAR) is the holder of the controlling stake (51%) of the oil chemicals complex of Turkey - Petkim Petrokimya Holding.

In H1 2014 the production at the Petkim complex rose 6% to 1 mln 471 tons. The effectiveness rose 9% to 90%.

At the present time the works on the rise of the total production capacity of Petkim from 3.2 mln tons a year to 3.6 mln tons due to the capacity growth of the ethylene production and terephtalic acid plants go on.

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