OAO Varioganneft holds an executive retreat of OAO NK RussNeft Mining and Geology Block.

Last week an executive retreat of OAO NK RussNeft Mining and Geology Block took place in Raduzhnoye. The meeting was attended by the leaders of the Company and its subsidiaries: "Preobrazhenskneft", "Saratovneftegas", "Ulyanovskneft", "NAC "AKI-OTYR", "Tomsk oil", "Aganneftegasgeologia", "Varioganneft".

The meeting summed up the production and business activities of the Company for H1 2014, the forecast for the remainder of 2014 was announced.

During the meeting the issues of improving the energy efficiency technology of the oil production processes in terms of the reduction of unprofitable wells were highlighted and ways to improve the efficiency of the geological and technical measures to stabilize and increase the production of crude oil and formation of a stable tendency of the production growth at the Company's enterprises were discussed.

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