Mass media:The priorities of Turkmen-Chinese gas relations

The economy of Turkmenistan is tightly tied to the export gas pipelines. The economic diversification in the agrarian direction is impossible in conditions of a desert climate and underdeveloped system of ground irrigation. All the spheres of the republic’s life activity depend on the efficient use of the export pipeline. Conceptions of “gas policy” and “foreign policy” are equivalent in Turkmenistan, - writes.

The gas industry demands the attraction of new modern equipment for the exploration and development of gas fields and an increase of the production volumes. Managers of the republic’s gas-producing sector negotiate with a number of foreign companies like Gulf Oil & Gas Fze, Petrofac International LLC (the United Arab Emirates), CNPC Chuanging Drilling Engineering Company (China) and consortium of companies LG International Соrр and Hyundai Engineering (South Korea) on the supply of equipment to the total amount of $9.7 billion.

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