Samotlorneftegas OJSC increases drilling rates

​Pure, dry crude oil of Samotlor is extracted at one of the multi-pad wells of the South-Mykhpay license site.

The potential of this perspective site is 4 mln 660 thousand tons of oil. Samotlorneftegas said that it managed to reach the underground storages half a year eelier than planned. Today the South Mykhppay is considered a perspective site for large-scale drilling. Due to the smooth work of Samotlorneftegas, the first well was put into operation in Q4 2014, I. Usov says. It has the output of over 150 tons of oil a day. 12 wells have already been drilled there. They daily produce about 985 tons of dry crude oil. Samotlorneftegas realizes a unique program which is meant for 3 years. The drilling is held at the growing mode. If last year 102 wells were put into operation, in 2015 it is planned to put into operation 146, head of the drilling supervising department of Samotlorneftegas, A. Popov, said.

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