Gazprom loses dispute on raw material prices

Court has put an end to many-year dispute of the largest Russia sulfur producer Gazprom and its customer. Now the monopoly is obliged to supply raw materials to Fosagro on formula, invented by the latter, increasing shipments by 20%. This creates risks for other users because of the declining possibilities of sulfur transportation.

The Arbitration Court of the Moscow district has confirmed the decision of previous instances on the claim of Apatit (a part of Fosagro) and ordered Gazprom sera to calculate the price of liquid sulfur on the FCA basis according to the formula, agreed by the FAS - on the basis of the minimum export prices excluding transport costs and costs for granulating. Now the price of liquid sulfur on the Gazprom’s formula makes up 4 thousand rubles, its price according to the formula of the FAS in the current economic environment will be higher, says Gazprom sera.

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