Russia:Forecasts about larger revenues from the export of natural gas are wrong

Governmental forecasts about increase of revenue from export of natural gas can fail. Traditional European sales market stagnate and Russia actually failed opportune coming to growing Asian market, where liquefied gas is in demand, and other countries have taken its place. Meanwhile, yesterday China announced important technological breakthrough in extraction of its own shale gas. Current tendency of  export profits reduction by 10-12% per year can appear long-term, Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports.

As it was reported yesterday, China has obtained important technological breakthroughs in five directions, including the development of equipment for the drilling of gas wells, development of drilling mud fluid and mastering of auxiliary chemicals for gas extraction.

“This success provides for destroy of technical monopoly of other countries as well as for significant reduction of prime cost of shale gas extraction and considerable improvement of geological exploration”, the representative of engineering and technical institute under Sinopec (experimentally extracts shale gas in South-West China) reports.

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