Gazpromneft starts to implement new project of utilization of associated petroleum gas

Gazpromneft has started the project of gas-compressor station construction at the Ety-Purov field (developed by Gazpromneft-Noyabrskneftegaz) in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. The new gas-compressor station with capacity of over 1 billion cubic meters of gas per year will allow it to transport produced associated petroleum gas to gas gathering system of Gazprom dobycha Noyabrsk – a gas pipeline at length of 9 km will be constructed for this. The fuel will be transported through the Vyngayakhinsk complex gas treatment plant to the main gas pipeline Urengoy-Chelyabinsk. The projects is scheduled to be completed in 2015, the Gazpromneft’s press centre reported.

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