Naftogaz has partially transferred back to Gazprom the payment for gas transit

Naftogaz has partially transferred back to Gazprom the payment for Russian gas transit in September – October 2014, the state holding reports to Intefax. Naftogaz evaluated the price of the service concerning gas price of $268.5 per 1,000 cubic m.

Earlier Naftogaz raised an invoice of $64 million for gas transit in September and $88 million for gas transit in October to Gazprom. The invoice for September should be paid off before October 20th, and the invoice for October should be paid off before November 20th.

On November 7th, Gazprom transferred the money for the transit. The company’s representative, S. Kupriyanov says that the monopoly calculated the sum concerning its evaluations based on the contracted formula.

At the moment, Russia and the Ukraine are in legal proceedings about gas price to which transit rate is bound in Stockholm Arbitration Court. Accepting the defined transit rate, any of the sides de-facto acknowledges the defined price that will be used against the side in court.

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