
Buryatia to increase mining of brown coal in 2013

In 2013,a 5% increase of brown coal mining is forecast in Buryatia. This will mainly happen due to the increase of mining of Ugolny Razrez LLC at the Okino-Klyuchevskoe deposit, where reaching of the designated capacity at the first line of the enterprise is expected.

The Third Generating Company of Power Energy Wholesale Market Plc. won the tender for this deposit in February 2008. The company founded and registered a separate concern Ugolny Razrez LLC.

The Okino-Klyuchevskoe coal open-pit mine was opened in Bichursky district on March 25, 2010. In 2012 the extraction company planned to increase the mining of brown coal to 1.5 million tons of coal per year and then – to 3 million tons of coal per year.

Coal reserves at the deposit make up 125.75 million tons, the main volume of the coal mined is delivered to Gusinoozyorskaya hydro power plant as well as public organizations of the republican districts.

It is also expected that mining at the deposits of Bain-Zurkhe Coal Company LLC will increase in 2013.

The company was founded in 2009 to continue mining of minerals at Kholboldzhin and Bain-Zurkhe sectors on the base of the subsoil license. Previously Gusinoozyorskoye brown coal deposit was developed by Bain-Zurkhe open-pit mine LLC.


Source: http://www.mineral.ru/News/50729.html

Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva

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