Alrosa will be inspected

The Ministry of Finance, the Federal Agency for State Property Management and the Accounts Chamber willinitiate a complex inspection of Alrosa. They will check several large transactions of the company including its IPO in 2013. The inspection is sanctioned by the President of Russia V. Putin, and the initiative was made by the Vice Premier Y. Trutnev overseeing Alrosa. The destiny of the chief of the company F. Andreyev will depend on the results of the inspection; Mr. Trutnev seeks for his dismissal.

A source close to the situation has told about the order of Mr. Putin to hold the complex inspection of Alrosa. It was confirmed by one more source in the presidential administration. One of them claims that under the results of the inspection, the authorities will decide whether the President of Alrosa F. Andreyev will keep his post. The order is called ‘About the personnel affairs of Alrosa’; the document was signed on August 30th, the source claims. He refuses to state the period of the inspection or any other details, referring to confidentiality of the document.

A source of Kommersant in the Government claims that the inspection was initiated by Y. Trutnev who sent to the President a letter with explanation of his unwillingness to sign the directive about re-appointment of the chief of Alrosa. Mr. Trutnev doubts effectiveness of F. Andreyev as the chief of the company and suggests to inspect reasonability of the large transactions, the source states. A source in the related department confirms the fact of the letter. The sources of Kommersant claim that Mr. Putin supported the initiative and appended instructions that the personnel affairs of Alrosa should be solved after the complex inspection of the company by the Ministry of Finances and the Federal Agency for State Property Management with attraction of the Accounts Chamber. All the sides refused to give any comments yesterday.

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