Independent oil and gas company of Eduard Khudainatov intends to increase production 7 times

The independent oil and gas company (NOC) of Eduard Khudainatov will increase its production 7 times. By 2023, the company promises to produce more than 15 million tons of oil per year.

It should be noted, the company first unveiled its plans for oil production. In 2015-2016, the production will be virtually unchanged and will make up 2.4 million and 2.5 million tons of oil per year. But in 2017, NOC will launch the Kondinskaya group of fields in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous district and the production will rise to 3.1 million tons. In 2018, it is expected to launch the Payyahskaya group of deposits in the Krasnoyarsk region. This will allow the company to produce 4.8 million tons per year, the Vedomosti writes. Then, next year this figure will grow by about 2 million tons of oil per year and by 2023 will reach 15.2 million tons.

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