Azerbaijan increased oil exports

​In H1 2015, 154 mln barrels of oil were exported from the Sangachal oil terminal against 152 mln barrels in H1 2014, BP reports on the results of Jan-June 2015 in Azerbaijan.

 Out of the total volume of oil exported from the terminal, 135 mln barrels were shipped by BTC, 16.3 mln barrels –by Baku-Supsa, 2.2 mln barrels by the railway, 0.9 mln barrels of condensate- by BTC.

In 2014 from the Sangachal oil terminal by pipelines and railway 298.5 mln barrels of oil were exported against 286.2 mln barrels in 2013.

Currently the total capacity of the technical processing systems of the terminal makes up 1.2 mln barrels of oil a day, 29.5 mln cubic m a day – for the gas from Shakh-Deniz (together with AG from Azeri-Chirag-Gyuneshli). The total processing capacity at the terminal makes up 49.3 mln cubic m a day.

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