Gazprom finds new market in Italy – the monopoly to engage in gas filling stations

Gazrpom is going to come to the Italian market of gas fuel, which is the largest in Europe. The Gazprom’s sales company in Italy Promgas, which supplies fuel only to the energy company Edison that constantly disputes contracts with the monopoly in court, wants to develop this business. Analysts doubt that Gazprom will be able to significantly increase sales in Europe on account of supplies for transport. But this segment development will give an argument in favor to maintain pegging of gas prices to oil ones.

The Gazprom subsidiary sales company in Italy Promgas S.p.A  is going to engage in sale of gas-engine fuel for cars and bunkering, the Promgas’ General Director Rostislav Kazantsev told in an interview to the corporate edition “Goluboye toplivo”, as the Interfax transmits. According to him, today the company is looking into possibility of construction of automatic gas-filling compressor stations (AGFCS) for filling of cars with pressure methane in Italy. Then Promgas wants to come with methane to the Italian market of bunker fuel. Kazantsev explained that now the company studies the market and chooses partners.

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