The only route for Kashagan oil without China to be BTC pipeline

One of users posted the following status on the "wall" of the Aidan Karibzhanov’s account at Facebook: "I hear the question very often: why Kazakhstan sells a share in Kashagan to the Chineses? I understand something about that, but I think if you write an article that explains in accessible language that "we are not fuckers", this post will enjoy wide popularity and respond to the question, which concerns many people, as I see. Please, describe this deal, as you see it".
Aidan Karibjanov knows the oil industry firsthand: in 2004, he was the KazMunaiGas’s Managing Director for Economy and Finance. Today Aidan Taboniyazovich honored the request of the reader and posted a rather long post titled "Kashagan" at his page on the social network.
" A lot of expectations are around the Kashagan, and a lot of discussions take place. I will try to outline some of the key points of this project. In advance I ask pardon knowledgeable people for serious simplifications. Also I wouldn’t like to see a primitive battle cry discussion.

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