Oil and oil products transshipment of Tamanneftegas made up 617 thousand tons in November

​Tamanneftegas CJSC (in the structure of OTEKO GC) on the results of November 2015 increased the transshipment of oil, oil products an LPG to 617 thousand tons. The growth of transshipment made up 30% against October.

The growth of transshipment is connected with the rise of railroad shipment and a seasonal growth of demand for the services of deepwater non freezing ports of the south of Russia.

The company’s vacuum gasoil transshipment doubled against October to make up 269 thousand tons. 50 thousand tons of LPG were transshipped in November, the results stays at the level of October 2015. The volume of transshipment from the railroad transport into the storages of Tamanneftegas reached 872 thousand tons.

We are satisfied with the shipment dynamics showed by Tamanneftegas. In November we increased by a third the volumes of transshipment to the sea vessels. The company could show a better growth but the non-typical weather for November had a negative impact. The terminal has enough capacities for the transshipment of the existing products and for the growth of transshipment volumes in the period of  intensification of railroad shipment, the CEO of OTEKO, S. Gubinets, said.

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