South Stream changes its direction

Russia continues to gently intimidate the EU with losing interest in it. "Given the increasing supply via the "western route" (Altai gas pipeline), in the medium term, the volume of exports to China could exceed the current export volumes to Europe," - said Alexei Miller in Beijing. The volume of gas supply may be from 60 to 100 billion cubic meters of gas per year in the medium term. The head of Gazprom specified that the deliveries will be carried out from fields in Western Siberia. That is, from the same resource base, which is used for the supply of gas to the EU countries.

Of course, everything will be signed with China, pipelines will be built on time and gas will go. But it would be better for the EU to change its mind and give the "green light" to South Stream. Because in a couple of years, it can happen that there won’t be enough gas for it. And for us it is not much better to remain with China alone, than with Europe.

But to sell in both directions is that’s necessary.

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