Copper, lead and zinc discovered in mountains of Chechnya, but they also hopes to find precious metals

As a result of the mining party’s research, signs of copper, lead and zinc reserves have been discovered in specimen rock in Chechnya, the press centre of the Chechnya’s Government reports.

Geophysical, geological and topographical works are carried out on the northern spurs of the Main Caucasus’s Tebulossky Ridge at a height of over 3.5 thousand meters by the company Thualoi-lam. The project investor is the well-known businessman Ruslan Baysarov.

On Wednesday (October 9th), the Head of the Chechen Republic visited the mountainous Itum - Kale district. The senior geologist of the party Vitaliy Afanasyev told Ramzan Kadyrov about results of the research works.

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