E.On announces gas supply reduction from Russia

The largest energy company of Germany E.On announced about the reduction of gas supply from Russia, Reuters reports citing a spokesman for the company. But the representative of the company did not disclose the information on the amount of reduction. According to him, the reduction of supplies will not have an impact on the energy supply of Germany owing to the company's own resources.

As ITAR-TASS reports citing E.On, such slowdown in shipment is not so rare and temporary.

Neither Germany nor Russia can explain the reasons of gas supply reduction.

On September 10th, Polish state-run oil-and-gas company announced about the reduction of natural gas supply from Russia to Poland. According to the company, it started on September 8th, 2014 when the country received gas by 20% less. On September 10th it went down by 24%. Right after that Poland terminated gas supply to the Ukraine (appr.4 mln. cubic meters of gas). Polish operator Gaz System informed “Naftogaz Ukraine” that gas reverse would be resumed on September 12th.

Earlier, Gazprom sounded off about reverse gas supply to the Ukraine from Europe many times. The company states it possible to restrict gas supply to the countries, which are engaged in gas reverse to the Ukraine.

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