Rosneft to start the Kara Sea’s shelf exploration program

Rosneft with the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Rosgidromet (AANII) starts to implement a large-scale program on comprehensive survey of the Kara Sea’s shelf within the marine expedition “Kara - summer of 2013”, the company reports.

The start of the expedition is scheduled for July, 12. Rosneft has begun practical implementation of the arctic shelf development plans: from 2012, the company carried out prospecting and exploration at the licensed sites Eastern-Prinovozemesloye-1 and -2 (the Kara Sea, together with ExxonMobil), and in July of 2013 it started field seismic survey at the licensed sites the Fedynsky and Central-Barentsevsky (the Barents Sea, together with Eni). The company carries out geological exploration, being significantly ahead of schedule, determined by the licensed agreements.

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