Turkmenistan increased export of natural gas by 77.4% in I half of the year

The Vice-PM of Turkmenistan Baymurat Hodzhamukhammedov announced at governmental meeting that in 1st half of 2011 the export of natural gas increased by 77.4%, reported governmental press service.

Vice-PM said, in the 1st half of the year oil and gas condensate extraction increased by 106.3% compared to I half of 2010. “During this period extraction of natural and associated gas increased by 40.2% and export of natural gas increased by 77.4%”, Turkmen vice-PM noted.

He also reported that positive growth in oil refining industry was reached – 100.5%. “Particularly, during the reported period increment of gasoline, diesel fuel and polypropylene production compared to the same period in the previous year is noted. Planned well-drilling was exceeded by 14%. Increment of all mineral fertilizers production in chemistry branch made up 105.4% to the same level in 2010. Production of phosphoric fertilizers developed the best growth - 111.9% as well as technical iodine – 108.7%”, vice-PM who supervises fuel and energy complex summarized.

As it was previously reported by Regnum IA,Russia  used to be the main buyer of Turkmen gas before launching of Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline in 2009. Rusisa used to get 40-50 billion cubic meters of gas annually delivering it to the Ukrainian and European markets. In 2011 Turkmenistan will deliver only 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas to Russia– just as in 2010. According to the contract of Turkmen gas transit though Uzbekistan, Gazprom has already transferred 2.7 billion cubic meters of gas out of planned 11 billion cubic meters for 5 months of 2011. Meanwhile, on May 28 est., over 10 billion cubic meters of gas were delivered via Turkmenia-Uzbekistan-Kazakhstan-China pipeline. This gas was used by up to 100 million citizens in 18 provinces and autonomous regions of PRC. After all branches of the pipeline are launched in 2012, 500 million people will be able to use natural gas in China.


Source: http://www.oilru.com/news/265504/

Translated by Alexandra Utyasheva


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