The Majilis approves the ratification of the agreement with Russia on oil supplies to China through Kazakhstan.

The members of Majilis (the lower chamber) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan has approved the ratification of the agreement between the governments of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of the transportation of Russian oil through Kazakhstan to China, the agency reports.

As the Majilis Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security stated in the conclusion that the purpose of the agreement is the creation of conditions for the transportation of Russian oil through the territory of Kazakhstan to China.

"The Parties shall create the conditions for long-term Russian oil transportation by the authorized organization of the Russian side in the amount of 7 million tons per year with an option to increase to 10 million tons per year and provide its access to the system of pipelines for transporting in the direction of Omsk (the Russian Federation) - Priirtyshsk (the Republic of Kazakhstan) - Atasu (the Republic of Kazakhstan) - Alashankou (China)", - the conclusion stated.

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