In February of 2012, Russia increased the LPG import

In February of 2012, the import of liquefied petroleum gas from the Russian Federation made up 13.929 thousand tons that is 2.2 times more than in February of 2011, the on-line data of the Russian Federal Customs Service shows.

In money terms the LPG import made up $12.859 million that is 5 times more than the level of 2011.

The import of propane was 383 tons for $285 thousand. All volume was purchased in the Ukraine.

In February, Russia purchased 4111 tons of butane for $ 2.821 million. Gas was delivered from the Republic of Korea and from the Ukraine.

9434 tons of other liquefied gas for $9.746 million were imported. The main volume of other liquefied gas was delivered from the Ukraine and Azerbaijan, Rupek transmits.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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