Bashneft’s APG utilization in the Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district is not less than 96%

Bashneft’s APG utilization in the Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district is not less than 96%.

On results of the work in the first 10 months the APG resources made up 22 million cubic meters. On results of the year – about 27 million cubic meters. The company uses the significant part of APG as fuel for oil heating during its preparation, in industrial boiler rooms, in heater, mounted at deposits to heat industrial rooms and doghouses.

The perspective way to utilize APG is its use for the electric energy generation at deposits at gas piston power plants. Today these pants are successfully operated. The most part of generated energy is used for own needs.

In 2006, the plan of events to increase the coefficient of APG use in Bashneft was designed to reach the maximum rate of the APG use. It was successfully fulfilled.

Bashneft wasn’t the only company, which achieved such results. In January of 2013, it became known that Tatneft transferred 440 million rubles for the launch of microturbine power plants Capstone, which work on associated petroleum gas. They will produce 4.8 thousand k/h of electricity on the whole.
Due to these plants the problem of APG collection and utilization will be solved at remote oil deposits with low flow rates of gas. As a result, the level of APG useful utilization in Tatneft will increase from standard 95% to 98%.

Translated by Svetlana Kyrzhaly

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