Severstal shipped 1.5 million ton of metal products for the "Gazpromtrubinvest"

In November 2015 PJSC "Severstal", one of the world's largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies, shipped 1.5 million ton of metal products for the "Gazpromtrubinvest."

Companies collaborating since 1999. "Severstal" supplies for JSC "Gazpromtrubinvest" hot rolled coils, which are used for the production of steel welded OIL & GAS, tubing and casing pipes with diameters from 60 to 168 mm for the arrangement of gas, condensate and oil fields and gasification.

The largest consumers of "Gazpromtrubinvest" products are "Gazprom", "Rosneft", "Lukoil", "Surgutnefnegaz", "Gazpromneft", "Transneft".

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