FAS attcks Gazprom over the tender for Power of Siberia pipeline's construction

The largest tender in the history of Gazprom for 156 billion rubles for construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline has become the object of another attack of the FAS on the monopoly. According to officials, within the tender "all the laws that you can imagine were violated". But if Gazprom meets halfway, then the chances of the regulator to change the terms of the tender are low, lawyers and participants believe. In fact, the FAS could only appeal to the President of the Russian Federation or to take into account the behavior of the monopoly in the future – at the setting of tariffs for gas transportation.

The FAS has sent a letter to head of Gazprom Alexei Miller with a "very harsh criticism" of the last tender of the monopoly for the construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, said the Service’s head Igor Artemyev. According to him, "all laws that you can imagine were violated – the competition law, the 223rd laws and regulations of the tenders". Now the FAS asks Gazprom to revise the terms of the tender.

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