How Vladimir Putin proves multipolarity of the world

Yesterday, the Russian President Vladimir Putin met with several heads of states in Beijing, capital of China, and above all - with the Chinese President Xi Jinping. And head of Gazprom Alexei Miller signed an agreement to supply gas to China via the western route that caused a furor among journalists. Special correspondent of the Kommersant Andrei Kolesnikov found out that the Gazprom’s head thinks: the western route will start working even before the eastern one, and South Stream is no longer a priority project of Gazprom in any negotiation processes.

Vladimir Putin lives in the State House of China in Beijing. This is a complex of mansions. From a window of one you can never see a window of another, all is buried in the gardens and thickets, and in the literal sense – there are even more ponds than the rest.

We only know that the Russian President has the biggest mansion here (it seems that ponds are even inside it). Trifle doesn’t happen in such cases: last evening I heard several times that it couldn’t be, and most importantly – don’t be in other way.

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