Ministry of Natural Resources agrees with Dvorkovich not to let private oil companies work on shelf

Private oil companies can’t even dream of admission to Russian shelf. The Ministry of Natural Resources prepared proposals on  the recommendation of the Vice Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich – they will make “non-state companies” forget about the draft of the state program on the development of offshore fields. It was assumed to prescribe changes of the legislation, which would allow the private companies to participate in the work in the Russian Arctic, in this program, the RBK daily writes.

The Ministry of Natural Resources has prepared a proposal for a legislative act “On changes in the Federal law “On continental shelf”, in which the Ministry rejects the idea to make the program on shelf development. The Ministry proposed to cancel a point of law, which was assumed to approve the document. The document will be published at the single portal for disclosure of information of statutory acts projects preparation.

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