The privatizers do not get "Rosneft": the RF Ministry of Finance plans to cut the sale of assets in 2014.

The RF Ministry of Finance reported on a regular transfer of the privatization plans. Clarifying the assessment in planning sales - 170 billion roubles in 2014 - primarily concerns the shares of "Rostelecom", "Sovcomflot" and the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port (NCSP). Even "Rosneft", which in spite of the unfavourable external environment is regarding the privatization more as a way of attracting the additional investors, is not in a hurry with offering the shares. The government confirmed the irrelevance of the privatization for the budget by plans to extract more profit from oil and gas revenues.

Yesterday, Tatyana Nesterenko, the Deputy Finance Minister, announced the government's decision to effectively abandon the privatization in 2014. With the draft of 196.8 billion roubles The budget would wipe out 170.8 roubles from the sale of the assets.

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