Kashagan appoints Exxon Mobil executive to run the oil field

Stephane de Mahieu, an Exxon secondee, has become the managing director of the NCOC as of May 1st, 2014. BNews.kz reports, citing the press-service of the North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC).

The switch of Kashagan project from prospecting to production stage enables the further integration and merging of the activity of the operator and agent to prepare the consortium for further development under the PSA on North-Caspian project.

The participants of the consortium map out the gradual transition from the current operating model to the united consolidated joint company. So, a new company will operate within the framework of the unified corporate governance, which joints the existing instruments and the processes, developed by the participants of the consortium.

The process of integration and merging will start next year.

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