UC Rusal and ELKA-Cable to found a JV on cable products output

​The financing of the project (in which the partners will have 50/50%) will be on the parity basis.

UC Rusal and ELKA-Cable will found a JV on the production of aluminium cable goods. The plant will be located at the industrial site of the Bogoslovsky aluminium plant.

The launch of the JV “Bogoslovsky cable plant” is planned for the end of 2016. It will produce about 64 thousand km of cable and wiring products a year, for the output of which Rusal will annually ship about 4.3 thousand tons of aluminium rod wire. The metal for the production of cable goods will be shipped from the Irkutsk aluminium plant.

The JV will specialize in the output of 3 types of cable goods: oil submersible cable, self-supporting insulated conductor for power transmission lines and flexible wire to be used at the industrial objects. The produced goods are planned to be shipped to the markets of Russia and the CIS.

The total investment into the project will make up $19 mln.

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