Bank asks to collect 354 mln roubles from Yaroslavsky oil refinery plant

​The Bank “Moscow mortgage agency” has filed a claim to the court on the collection of 354.7 mln roubles of debt from the Yaroslavsky oil refinery plant n.a. D. Mendeleev (in the structure of the “Mendeleev Group” holding).

The court will consider this claim on June 21st.

On April 11th the Arbitration Court initiated the monitoring procedure over the Yaroslavsky oil refinery plant. The application on bankruptcy was filed to the court by the plant. The interim manager is R. Starystoyants. The case on the plant’s bankruptcy will be considered on August 9th.

This is a secondary application of the plant on its bankruptcy. The first one was returned to it on February 3rd. Feferring to the fact that the plant doesn’t have an opportunity to pay the duty of 6 thousand roubles for filing the application due to its difficult financial state and arrest of bank accounts, the applicant asked to postpone the duty payment. However, the court rejected the plant’s request on the delay of the duty payment.

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