Net profit of Gazprom neftechem Salavat in 2011 rose 42.5% to 4.1 bln roubles

The net profit of Gazprom neftechem Salavat (Bashkortostan) in 2011 rose 42.5% to 4.085 bln roubles against 2010, the company reports.
The growth of the net profit is due to the price rise for the products of oil processing, oil chemicals, mineral fertilizers with the simultaneous growth of shipment as well as the fall of the stake of prime cost of the sold goods in the company’s revenue.
Gazprom neftechem Salavat OAO is a complex of full cycle of hydrocarbons raw materials processing, production of oil chemicals goods and mineral fertilizers. 50% belong to Gazprom perepabotka.
Translated by Galiya Musabekova

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