Russia has sharply reduced steel imports

​The import of flat rolled products into Russia fell by 8.9%, pipes – by 50.2%.

In Jan-October 2015 the import of ferrous metals to Russia made up 3.772 mln tons: from the far abroad countries -1.36 mln tons, from the CIS – 2.412 mln tons, the Federal Customs Service reports.

The import of ferrous metals and ferroalloys made up 3.33 mln tons. The stake of the CIS in the total volume of import was 2.064 mln tons, steel pipes-0.347 mln tons. The supplies from the far abroad countries made up 0.178 mln tons, CIS- - 0.169 mln tons.

The specific weight of the import of metals and goods out of them in Jan-October 2015 made up 5.8% (Jan-October 2014 - 5.7%). The value of this volume of saleable goods in annual terms fell by 37.4%, physical value– by 30.8%. The volume of pipe purchase fell by 32.3%, flat rolled products- by 40.8%.

The specific weight of the import of metals and goods out of them from the CIS in Jan-October 2015 made up 12.4% (Jan-October 2014 – 15.1%). The value of this volume of saleable goods in annual terms fell by 49.3%, physical value– by 31.3%. The import of flat rolled products fell by 8.9%, of pipes - by 50.2%.

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