FAS starts investigation in respect of Gazprom: the company might announce gas sales in Russia to be loss making

The monopoly of Gazprom in the domestic and foreign markets leads to bad results. The Russian gas export almost doesn’t grow but the revenue significantly falls. Gazprom plans to announce the gas sale in Russia to be loss making, the representatives of Gazprom sad yesterday.

Yesterday the international forum “Gas of Russia-2015” was over in Moscow. According to the participants of the forum, the demand for gas will be growing and at a serious rates of about 8-9% a year. But the need in gas in various parts of the world should be taken into account. According to  gas experts, the globalization of the gas market is taking place. It means that everyone will have to sell and consequently compete with others.

A few important aspects for the Russian gas companies should be paid attention to. Primarily, what the role of the Russian gas in the world trades will be. According to V. Drebentsov, Vice-President of BP Russia, in future (until 2035) the gas consumption in the world might grow to 5 trln cubic m from the current 3.3 trln. But the stake of Russia will evidently fall. If now Russia’s stake is 19% of the world market, by 2035 this stake might fall to 15%. The reason for that is in the globalization of the world market and the appearing of LNG in the world market which will be competing with pipeline gas.  It is not a secret that the pipeline gas is the basis of the gas sector in Russia.

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