In 2013, Verkhnechonskneftegaz is going to increase production by 8.5%

In 2013, Verkhnechonskneftegaz JSC, a 99.94% property of Rosneft is going to increase production by 8.5% to 7.65 million tons. They have extracted at the deposit 20 million tons of oil. In September 2008, Verkhnechonskneftegaz JSC began oil supplies to ESPO system. In June, Rosneft’s chief I. Sechin said that the Verkhnyaya Chona deposit will gain annual yield of 7.8 million tons from 2014. The company has several new discoveries around Verkhnechonsk, including the deposits of Savostyanov, Lisovsky, Mazur. Their potential will be defined while geological exploration.

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