Vietsovpetro has put into operation a platform with the capacity of 6 thousand tons of oil a day

Vietsovpetro (a JV of Russia and Vietnam) that develops the oil and gas deposits in the south of Vietnam, on Monday officially put into operation the technological platform at the recently discovered deposit “White Hare”.

The capacity of the new oil extraction platform is 6 thousand tons of oil a day, it is meant for the maintenance of 12 wells. The total investment into the foundation of this technological object is assessed at $64.2 mln.

Vietsovpetro was founded in 1981 by Zarubezhneft and Petrovietnam.

On the results of 2014 the extraction volume of Vietsovpetro reached 5.35 mln tons of oil, revenue from its sale made up $4.34 bln.

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