Rosneft extracted 2 mln tons of oil at the Northern end of Chaivo deposit

​Rosneft has extracted the 2 -millionth ton of oil from the start of development in 2014 of the Northern end of the Chaivo deposit located at the shelf of Sakhalin.

Currently oil is extracted from 3 deposits at the deposit with the total output of over 6 thousand tons. The construction of the 4th well is held now.

In total in the framework of the 1st stage of the project “Northern end of the Chaivo deposit”, it is planned to form a fund of 5 directional wells. For their drilling one of the most powerful onshore drilling units “Yastreb” is used.

In 2016 it is planned to complete the construction of onshore objects for the extraction growth.

The entire oil extracted at the deposit is shipped by the oil tankers from the De-Castri terminal in the Khabarovsk region. APG is sold in the domestic market to the consumers in the Far East.

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