Naftogas not to purchase Ukrnafta’s oil, the resources are put up for auction on December 16th

Ukrnafta has put up 256,680 tons of oil and 6,200 tons of gas condensate for auction on December 16th. This volume comprises the resources not sold at 2 auctions held in November.

Ukrnafta has sent a letter to Naftogas asking to give a reply on the readiness of the state holding to purchase the unsold oil at the start-up price according to the law “On oil and gas”. The deadline is December 7th, 5 p.m. The letter was sent at 6.30 p.m. on December 7th. Ukrnafta hasn’t sent a purchase-and-sale agreement.

As Naftogas didn’t decide to purchase oil, Ukrnafta put up the entire oil volume for auction on December 16th.

The Auction Committee insignificantly reduced oil price – to 8,804.04 grivnas/ton (VAT included), gas condensate – to 9,635.39 grivnas/ton.

The auctions on November 18 and 30 were ruined by Privat group, the companies of which refused to register for trades pressurizing a new head of Ukrnafta, M. Rollins.

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