Head of Rosneft held negotiations in Iran

Rosneft’s head, I. Sechin, held negotiations in Iran where he also met with the Minister of Oil, B. Zangane.

In late November the international conference for the issues of new agreements in the oil and gas sector as held. The representatives of at least 137 companies from the world gathered there, including Gazprom, Gazprom Neft and Lukoil. Foreign specialists got acquainted with the new model of signing the contracts with Iranian companies which, according to the Minister Zangane, will allow to attract new technologies into the country and strengthen the oil and gas market.

Iran offered 70 oil and gas projects for foreign investors for the total amount of over $30 bln.

Previously oil companies of Russia announced of their intention to come back to the market of Iran after the cancelation of sanctions. Rosneft said it studied an opportunity of participation in projects in Iran but it is ambiguous due to the sanctions in this country.

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