Avdeevo coke chemicals plant has renewed electrode peck output

​The Avdeevo coke chemicals plant (in the structure of Metinvest of R. Akhmetov) has put into operation a coal pitch processing shop.

The shop was frozen about a month ago due to the unstable electric supply of the enterprise as a consequence of continual attacks. It allowed to repair 3 out of 4 high-voltage bushes that supply energy to the Avdeevo coke chemicals plant.

The Avdeevo coke chemicals plant said that the coal pitch processing shop produces 7 types of products that have high cost and are demanded at the enterprises of the Ukraine and overseas. The main type of the shop’s product is electrode peck (liquid and granulated). It is used in non-ferrous metallurgy. Currently the Avdeevo coke chemicals plant ships peck to the aluminium plants of the CIS, Europe and Africa.

Previous shutdown of the coal pitch processing shop was connected with serious damages as a result of attacks. The shop was frozen for over 8 months.

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