The Premier D. Medvedev promises to support Rosneft for maintenance of oil production

The Premier D. Medvedev promises to support Rosneft in the maintenance of oil production, he says to Vedomosti answering the question about possibility of the fulfillment of Rosneft’s request for financing of its debt of 1.5 trillion rubles.

In his opinion, the sum looks immense but it was gathered not within one year. Recently he held the session about Rosneft’s investment policy. It’s necessary for the company to maintain oil production because Rosneft is the majority payer to the budget. The state should support the company, and analyzes the concrete parameters and ways of these support at the moment.

The journalists ask him whether the state support of Rosneft operation will cover itself. Mr. Medvedev has no doubts about that in the medium and long term future. The Government is not going to ‘considerably increse’ the number of the projects financed from the National Prosperity Fund. They chose several projects that can get this money. The list includes the Baikal-Amur Mainline, the Trans-Siberian Railway and a railway to the coal deposit in Tyva.

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