Shah-Deniz determines objectives in Europe – Gazprom is threatened with competition in Greece and Italy

The consortium of Shah-Deniz plans to conclude the first contracts on the supply of Azerbaijani gas to Europe via the TANAP-TAP pipeline system, which competes with the Gazprom’s project South Stream, in September. From 2018, these two gas pipelines will have to divide the gas markets in the Balkans and Southern Europe. According to analysts, Gazprom may feel sure in Bulgaria, but it will have to seriously struggle with Shah-Deniz for the Greek market and new supplies to Italy.

The consortium, which develops the Shah-Deniz gas field in Azerbaijan, is going to conclude the first contracts on gas supply to European customers in September, the Interfax reports, referring to a representative of BP (the project operator) in Azerbaijan. “The contract terms have been coordinated with a number of customers in Bulgaria, Greece and Italy,” – he said.

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