Lukoil completes the sale of the Odessa oil-refining plant

Lukoil has completed the sale of the Odessa oil-refining plant to VETEK Group, the Ukraine. As reported by VETEK, the enterprise will resume its work soon.

Business-TASS reports, the information has been confirmed by Lukoil. The transaction was closed on July 5th, VETEK reported.

Previously Lukoil had started technological launch of the enterprise which had become the main auxiliary condition of the sale the plant to VETEK.

In June the Head of Lukoil, Vagit Alekperov reported,the Russian oil company was ready to supply Odessa plant with up to 2 million tons of oil per year in the event of restoration of the reverse operation of the Odessa-Brody pipeline. The top manager had also noted that the pipeline was filled with oil from Azerbaijan and this fact hampered the restoration of the the reverse deliveries to Odessa.

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