Gunvor decreases export of Russian oil

The oil trader Gunvor has dispatched only one shipment of oil from Russia for the second month running. According to the agency Argus, in July the cargo in the amount of 100 000 tons will be formed from resources of small producers in Primorsk. In January-May, the trader shipped 300 -400 thousand tons per month from the Baltic ports.

Argus reports that Gunvor decreased purchases from Gazpromneft. The trader bought about 200 -300 thousand tons of oil from the company with shipment from Baltic ports, but from July the company reoriented all the sea shipment of Urals oil to the domestic market,Argus Media’s Director on Development, Mikhail Perfilov said. Two employees of one of oil traders, working in the port of Primorsk, have the same information. Representatives of Guvor and Gazpromneft declined to comment.

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