Tatarstan’s oil refineries plan the processing 99% of heavy oil

​“Beta-technologies” (Moscow) plans to develop a unit for processing of heavy and paraffin oil with the potential of processing efficiency of 99%.

Simultaneously the reduction of operational expenditure is reached due to energy saving and cutting of expenditure for catalyzers. This project was represented by the representatives of Beta-technologies, I. Trutnikov, and L. Tsoi.

The developers think that the technology “RVK” will open a new layer of energy saving processing of heavy oil and will be demanded by the enterprises of oil processing and preparation of oil for transportation, including oil and oil products cleaning, gas utilization.

To work out the project, in 2013-2014 the subsidy of the Ministry of Education and Science at the volume of 60 mln roubles was issued. Now the project is at the 2nd stage of development, 1.3 bln roubles of financing are required. It is about the development of a working model which will become the basis for projection of the industrial unit (3rd stage).

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